Talking stones, stumbling blocks in Schilderswijk Groningen
On April 29 2021, the book 'Sprekende stenen, stolpersteine in de Schilderswijk Groningen' (Talking Stones, Stumbling Blocks in the Schilderswijk Groningen) was presented in the Groninger Forum. The book tells the story behind the Stolpersteine in the form of biographies of all 271 victims of war violence in the district. For almost all these people, a Stolperstein has been placed in front of their former residence.
The book Talking Stones tells the stories about these stones. To this end, relatives have been traced all over the world and stories recorded that have not been recorded before. About people with dreams and ideals: inventors of pudding powder or shatterproof glasses, refugees who keep themselves alive with a stall on the market, a public prosecutor who disguised as Sister Jo commits acts of resistance in an ambulance, a girl who is suddenly no longer allowed to go to school. Stories that show how people stay resilient in difficult circumstances: the wallpaper retailer who starts selling blackout paper, people who lose their job or company and then start a boarding house, the neighbor of the collaborating police chief who helps people in hiding.
The Second World War thus becomes very concrete within the boundaries of a neighbourhood: refugee problems, collaboration and resistance, the continuation of daily life, compulsory labour, the persecution of the Jews, going into hiding, a mistaken bombing, heavy fighting during the liberation. That gives the book an extra dimension.
Speaking Stones also begs the question: What had I done? Had I dared to offer shelter, dared to resist?
Sprekende Stenen, Stolpersteine in de Schilderswijk Groningen Van Gorcum, 256 pages, € 25,--